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This is an online class ( NOT ZOOM OR LIVE ) You will receive the ink and password in your kit and then you can access the class 24/ 7  The class is viewed on the website  VIMEO an exclusive add free website featuring HD videos. 



Shrink plastic Peony layered flower and leaf pendant.

The flower shapes and leaves are colored and designed using pastel inks and stencils.

The pendant is mounted using fireline and beadwork and then mounted on a filigree base which hangs on a hand-dyed silk cord. 


Kit contents 

* pre-cut  shapes 

* pastels 

*2 ink pad  and 2sponge dauber 

* stencils 

*beads, findings, and fireline 



* hand-dyed silk ribbon 


What you need to supply

*Shrinkets bezel mold ( sold on this site )

*craft heat gun ( sold on this site )

*Fireline cutters  

Peony shrink plastic pendant kit

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